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Take a look at the testimonials of our last journeys
Elizabeth Redmond
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"I had been reading the daily Ch'umil on Saq' Be' for the last two years and found much wisdom and love in Denise's interpretations. One day I saw a call out for a retreat. I was intrigued but a bit skeptical, as the only time I had attended ceremonies was when I was directly invited by community members. I had a zoom call with Denise and felt comfortable enough to take the next step and join the retreat. About a week before the retreat Denise read my Mayan cross and I was so impressed and inspired that any trepidation I had vanished and was now replaced with excitement. The night our group first met, we instantly became family. All the other participants were powerful women walking their path. The retreat was incredible. The rhythm and pace was impeccable! The order of the ceremonies, the energies of the day, the food we ate, the places we visited, the teachings, activities and downtime were so well curated. I went for learning and reflection and hadn't expected such healing and transformation. Denise and Andy are extremely knowledgeable, personable and humble guides. You can feel safe in their care."

“Although I have been exposed to the Cholj'ij  through many fire ceremonies over the years, this retreat was a true path of initiation into receiving the living heart of the guiding energies. The location, timing, ceremonies, and group interactions wove a magical net for collective learning and bonding.  Denise and Andy provided a safe and easeful container for both our group sharing, and personal pace of process. There were powerful transmissions of wisdom and insight in every teaching, ceremony, and mealtime. I am forever changed by this week-long soul adventure and know that the seeds planted and infused with this energy will come to fruition! I am so grateful that our guides have answered their Saq' Be call to publically teach and mentor us on this noble white path.”

Rebecca Rohloff
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Lindsey Trevino
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"Thank you very much, Denise and Andy, for providing such a unique, beautiful, and heart opening experience. I have never been on a spiritual retreat nor to Guatemala before, and I was not sure what to expect. As soon as I met you and the other members of the group, all of my anxiety and doubts melted away. This group is such an amazing, inspiring, funny, creative, and beautiful collection of souls. I feel blessed beyond words to be a part of it. The entire retreat was a perfect balance of masculine/feminine, action/rest, and manifesting/receptivity. It flowed so beautifully and every day felt magical in its own way. The energy, power, and love that came through every ancestral site, activity and healing session has been reverberating through me even after I returned home and settled back into day-to-day life. To say that this experience was transformative would be an understatement - my life will never be the same. I am so grateful to you both for providing this opportunity to learn more about and experience firsthand the beauty and healing power of Traditional Mayan Wisdom. With all my heart, thank you!"

“It was a birthday gift to myself to attend the Zenith Sun retreat. Denise and Andy are amazing hosts, teachers and healers.

I have been following the Saq' Be' - calendar for years. I am all about energy, as a Massage therapist for 20 yrs and a cultural enthusiast, I have participated in Native American ceremonies, Tibetan ceremonies, Jewish traditions & was raised in the Christian culture. The spirit of Love can be felt in all, however when in the physical space where the traditions were conceived with the ancestors-wisdom carrying that love and sharing it with grace and purpose in prayers, there is really no words that can explain the blessings bestowed in those moments. I will be looking forward to the next time I can take part in these special ceremonies.

Much love and blessings to Denise and Andy for caring for me and keeping my physical body in synch with my spirit, to make the most of this wonderful blessed experience. 

If your spirit is sending messages to go- listen and take the time to bless yourself through this event.

Sunshine Yellow Raven, AKA Martha Colleen”

Martha Colleen
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Irma Alvarado

“From the very first time I saw the invitation on IG, I knew that I had to find a way to get to that magical land of Peten, Guatemala. I was immediately drawn – a calling if you will to reconnect to my Ancestars by way of ceremonias, most specifically the sacred fire ceremonies.The minute I arrived at the house I was greeted by Denise and the family caretakers of the land. I walked into the main gathering place of the house and was immediately greeted by the circle of women and Andy. It felt real good, introductions were made, a meal was shared, and that was the beginning of what I now consider this circle as family. Each day was a blessing, from being in ceremony with elders, sacred fire ceremony with Denise and Andy, to sunrise ceremonies, the sounds ceremony, the cacao ceremony, being on Sacred Land in Tikal, sharing meals on a daily, traveling from one area to another location it was simply magical, healing and forever in my heart for a lifetime. Denise and Andy are powerful, individually and as a couple they carry so much wisdom, knowledge of our Ancestral lineages and so much more of the universe. There are no words to express my most deepest appreciation and love to these two amazing humans on this earth – Denise and Andy for creating such a beautiful space for all of us to connect on a spiritual level and beyond. Gracias, dos y tres veces."

"This retreat was a breath for the soul, amidst a noisy world that lacks much calm. I found sisters for life, I found myself, in my most essential form. The rhythm of the retreat felt light and fluid, in tune with life and the beings that inhabit it. It awakened in me a desire to be and to make art, being inspired by the dance of the elements, life, and nature, from which we are not separated, but which asks us human beings for care and respect. Denise and Andy were beautiful, kind, humble, and respectful guides to the process that each one of us went through. I feel honored and infinitely grateful for the gift of a call that only my heart understood; as well as with the beautiful people who also felt it, to share time and space together and become interwoven as the mycelium that revitalizes this earth. Maltiox"

Susan Hess Logeais
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"Working with Denise Barrios and the folks from Saq' Be' has been a tremendous source of inspiration for over ten years. I was first drawn to their work through Carlos Barrios’s The Book of Destiny, and later learned enough about Mayan cosmology and astrology to see the profound wisdom it contains. When I saw that there was the chance to immerse myself in Mayan rituals and culture, I didn’t hesitate to sign up. Denise is a wonderful guide and translator. She organized a rich adventure that is still resonating, weeks after my return. I look forward to learning with her in the years to come, and for anyone interested in a grounded and mystical approach to meeting this moment of transformation, I recommend working with Saq' Be'."

“My journey to Guatemala exceeded any expectation I could have had. From the moment we arrived, we were welcomed by the most loving, caring and kind people. Denise and Andy, put together an amazing itinerary. It was a mixture of inner healing, ancestral healing, adventure, and Guatemalan culture. It was a transformational journey and a vacation all wrapped up into one. Denise and her family are so knowledgeable about the Mayan culture. It was wonderful to journey to different cities and meet amazing Nana’s and Tata’s. The people we met were so caring and eager to share their homes, cultures, and gifts with us. Each day that passed, I was introduced to a new experience and perspective. The sights, sounds, colors and amazing food will remain with me forever. I have brought some of the sacred Mayan knowledge I was taught back home, and have incorporated much of what I have learned into my life. Some of the things I have learned to do is clear myself of stagnant energy and honor my ancestors. Denise is truly an amazing human being, and I feel so fortunate to have met her. She truly believes in the work she is doing and has so much love in her heart to share. I truly feel like I have found a forever friend and am counting the days to return on another journey in the future.”

Alison Rios
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Elizabeth Reed
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“I want you to know just how much this journey meant to me and how much I enjoyed this trip. When I look back on the photos, I'm reminded of just how much enjoyment I received from these 10 days in Guatemala. Every day seemed to build upon the next and it became successively more exciting and fulfilling. This trip seemed to go by so fast. I still enjoy remembering these great experiences that the entire journey brought. I do feel changed inside and know that the ancestral work that was done has had a positive effect on our ancestors, as well as my current day to day outlook.


Deep gratitude to you for making this type of journey possible. Thank you for your loving kindness and for helping to make this one of my all-time favorite trips. Hope someday that I can do this journey again."

​“Denise is a caring and thoughtful guide who knows how to keep a journey flowing in a good way. She’s humble with the immense wisdom she carries and has much to offer to anyone on the path.”

Christopher Casillas
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