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Zenith Sun Trtansformation Retreat
Live the Heart of the Traditional Maya World

Retreat fully booked! Stayed tuned for our next journey!


May 5 - May 11, 2024 


We invite you to embark on a unique experience of spiritual transformation that will change your life and help you explore your Inner Universe in connection with portals and powerful energy centers of the Earth.  


This is a 7-day retreat that will take place on the lowlands of Guatemala, will be in resonance with the Zenith Passage of the Sun, which will occur during those days, in connection with the energies of the Sacred Cholq'ij Calendar. This event is of utmost importance for the Maya Cosmovision, being the most powerful and energetic event of the year.


Through the guidance of Traditional Mayan Wisdom Keepers, you will visit powerful ancestral cities and work with different rituals and traditional spiritual practices, such as Sacred Fire Ceremonies, Cacao Medicine Ceremonies, Ancestral Connection Rituals, Harmonizations and Sound Healings, Meditations, Power Walks, Mayan Water Ribirth Ceremony and much more. You will discover the powerful wisdom of the Cholq'ij (Sacred Mayan Calendar) and the energies that compose it, as well as learning about your own personal energy, which will allow you to unveil your path and your life purpose. And most importantly, you will have the unique opportunity to do a traditional empowerment Ritual with the Zenithal Sun, in the Sacred City of Tikal. This Ritual is one of the most important for the Mayas, since on this date, the Sun brings to the Earth, the highest amount of energy of the year. You can't miss it!


Andy and Denise, who will guide this journey, are both Ajq'ijab' (Maya Wisdom Keepers), and they will be with the group throughout the journey to accompany the processes each person is working with and to share what they have learned in their own personal paths, which they have been walking for over twenty years. We will also have the participation of Elders of the Mayan Tradition, and the last Guardian of the Itza Lineage.


If you want to learn more about the power that the Passing of the Sun through the Zenith brings to our world, don't miss this unique journey! 


We are waiting for you!


Denise and Andy.


What is included in the Retreat


  • Ch'umilal reading (Maya Natal Chart).

  • Traditional Ceremony with the Medicine of Cacao.

  • Introduction to the energies of the Sacred Mayan Calendar (Cholq’ij). 

  • Traditional Sacred Fire Ceremonies with a Maya Elder. 

  • Ancestral Connection Rituals.

  • Guided visit to the city of Tikal, its history and writings.

  • Traditional Ritual with the Zenith Sun in the city of Tikal.

  • Dawn at Temple IV in Tikal.

  • Sound Healing.

  • Connection with the Magic of Nature.

  • Water Rebirth Ceremony.

  • Meditations.

  • Ground transportation.

  • Accommodation. 

  • 3 healthy meals a day.

  • Snacks with a variety of native infusions

  • Accompaniment of authentic Maya Wisdom Keepers.

Meet your guides

Denise Barrios and Andy Rocca, who will be your guides throughout the trip, have been walking the Maya and ancestral paths for many decades, and through their own personal healing and transformation processes, they outline journeys and teachings that will also bring you to powerful energetic places, sacred altars, and to meet great wise men and women, heirs to the ancestral wisdom of the Mayas. 


Our experiences will oftentimes be walked together with different Mayan wise men and women, Tatas and Nanas, who will accompany our journey through their ancestral medicine of the Tuj (Mayan sweat lodge), tobacco, massages, meditations, ceremonies, cacao, and other different practices.


Day 1 | Sunday, May 5 | Lajuj 10 Aj

Transportation from Mundo Maya International Airport in Flores, Peten, to Lake Peten Itza. 

Welcome lunch.

Circle of presentation and sharing of the purpose of the journey.

Day 2 | Monday, May 6 | Julajuj 11 I'x

Introductory talk on the energies of the Cholq'ij, Sacred Maya Calendar. 

Sound Ceremony.

Traditional Maya Sacred Fire Ceremony. Presentation to the cosmos and Spiritual Elders.

Day 3 | Tuesday, May 7 | Kab'lajuj 12 Tz'ikin

Visit to the ancestral city of Yaxha. 

Traditional Maya Sacred Fire Ceremony at the powerful Tab'al (Altar) of Yaxha with Elder Tata Gilberto Chayax, one of the last guardians of the Itza lineage.

Day 4 | Wednesday, May 8 | Oxlajuj 13 Ajmaq

Transportation to the ancestral city of Tikal.  

Introductory talk about the energies of the Sacred Zenith by Nan Yamanik Pablo.

Ceremony with the Medicine of Cacao.

Day 5 | Thursday, May 9 | Jun 1 No'j

Guided visit to the city of Tikal, its history and writings.

​Ceremony to receive the sacred moment of the passage of the Zenith at the powerful Tab'al (altar) of Tikal.

Day 6 | Friday, May 10 | Keb' 2 Tijax

Sunrise at Temple IV in Tikal.

Transportation to Lake Peten Itza.

Traditional Maya Ceremony of rebirth in the Sacred Lake Peten Itza. 

Traditional Maya farewell dinner.

Day 7 | Saturday, May 11 | Oxib' 3 Kawoq

Transportation from Lake Peten Itza to Mundo Maya International Airport in Flores, Peten.

Pricing for the Retreat

The cost per person for the retreat, including all meals, accommodation, ground transportation, entrances, practices, and teachings is as follows:

SINGLE ROOM          DORM (four people - bunk beds)

$1989 USD                                      $1750 USD

We firmly believe that healing and spirituality is something that should be available to every single being. In this trip we have tried our best to make it as affordable as possible, and hopefully give the opportunity to all of those who want to accompany us in this powerful journey. 

Book your space

Get in touch with us for more information or to apply for this journey.



You can book with us from anywhere anytime!


We will be responding to you shortly!

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